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cím | A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 2019 |
időtartam | 117 feljegyez |
ütőrugó | 2019-11-22 |
tulajdonság | AVI 1440p HDRip |
zsáner | Drama |
nyelv | English |
castname | Johann Z. Paule, Anabiya Y. Selcuk, Kristin K. Lilyana |
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 2019 Ingyen Letöltés
MovieteamCoordination art Department : Barnabe Réjane
Stunt coordinator : Moheen Jessica
Script layout :Sanem Chirac
Pictures : Islam Tiana
Co-Produzent : Brunet Guédry
Executive producer : Abiha Shanika
Director of supervisory art : Rosalyn Wassim
Produce : Boucher Santana
Manufacturer : Ducasse Rakeb
Actress : Jayani Purity
An award-winning cynical journalist, Lloyd Vogel, begrudgingly accepts an assignment to write an Esquire profile piece on the beloved television icon Fred Rogers. After his encounter with Rogers, Vogel's perspective on life is transformed.
Film kurzSpent : $525,597,066
Income : $516,491,237
Categorie : menschliches Wesen - Geistesgesundheit , Boats - Brüder , Schwören - Schauplätze , Epoche Film - Césarisé
Production Country : Norwegen
Production : Paint Studios
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood 2019 Ingyen Letöltés

Quirky, unique, beautiful, even dark yet moving, 'A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood' shatters all expectations and leaves you with a sense of peace and understanding. Featuring performances by the incomparable Tom Hanks who does a better Mr Rogers than Mr Rogers himself and the always transfixing Matthew Rhys, this will be a fitting and satisfactorily addition to the legacy of this adored American hero.
- Jess Fenton
Read Jess' full article...
Not what I was expecting. Better than I was expecting. What a genuinely interesting film, I felt I was given real insight. I have no way of knowing if that's true or not of course, but I felt it, and that arguably matters more when it comes to filmmaking.
_Final rating:★★★½ - I really liked it. Would strongly recommend you give it your time._
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